Sustainable House Day at Ginninderry
The Link was open to the public for tours, talks, and demonstrations on Sustainable House Day. Located in the first gas-free suburb, Strathnairn ACT, crowds gathered for product presentations and demonstrations.
This award-winning building showcases Ginninderry's commitment to sustainability and includes a solar PV system and STIEBEL ELTRON hot water heat pump. The structure has a high recycled content with many items being 100 per cent reclaimed or recycled.
Representatives included: STIEBEL ELTRON, Electric Vehicles Canberra, Reposit, Master Builders Association, ActewAGL Solar and SolarHub.
STIEBEL ELTRON Sales manager, John Martinovic, provided a presentation about Heat Pumps and Solar PV connectivity to a packed audience.
Hot water heat pumps are powered by electricity and generate up to four times the power used by harvesting natural energy from the air. The energy-efficient hot water heat pump is solar PV ready and can be powered by a solar PV-system. Compared to a conventional electric storage tank, it is up to 74% more efficient and can leave enough power to run household appliances like a washing machine or dishwasher.